Sunday, November 27, 2016

Career Day

We had the opportunity to explore many different careers thanks to the wonderful members of our community.  We took part in a school wide career day and we visited with firefighters, a police officer, search and rescue dogs, farmers, and many more!  

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Stepp's Farm!

We had the BEST field trip to Stepp's Hillcrest Orchard this week!  What a wonderful way to spend a beautiful fall day.  Our trip started out on a yellow school bus - for some of us, it was our first time!  When we arrived to the farm, we got to go on a tractor ride to the pumpkin patch.  Along the way, we heard fun facts about apple trees and farming.  Once in the pumpkin patch, we learned about the life cycle of a pumpkin and then were able to "shop" for pumpkins and choose our own.

After our ride, we learned about corn and products made from corn.  We made our way through the corn maze answering questions about apples to find the right way.  In the barn, we tasted different kinds of apples and learned about parts of the apple.  We even got to drink delicious apple cider!

We wrapped up our trip playing on the playground!

Fire Safety

A big thank you to the Dana Fire Department for coming to our school to teach us about fire safety.  We had a school-wide assembly that started with Sparky the Fire Dog coming out for a visit!  The firefighters taught us about the importance of checking smoke alarms and replacing their batteries, calling 911 in case of an emergency, and to STOP, DROP and ROLL if we were ever to have our clothing catch on fire.  They even showed us the gear that is put on to enter and safely fight a fire.  Mrs. Pace, a fifth grade teacher, volunteered to put all the gear on!

Afterwards, firefighters visited our classroom to pass out goodies and answer our questions.

What a great experience!

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Happy Fall, Y'all!

Learning is happening in full force and we are getting close to the end of the first quarter.  We are amazed with the growth that has already happened in seven short weeks!  

Thank you for continuing to check and sign your child's agenda each night.  Please keep the black clip inside the Connector.  We are able to attach important notes and you are able to send things back to school as well.  Parent/Teacher conferences will be happening through this month and November. 

Here are some pictures that highlight some of the happenings in our class.

Letterland ABC Books

This week Letterland ABC books went home along with a cd.  A big shoutout to Mrs. Bagwell for all the time it took to record the book and make the cds.  We are so thankful for her time and energy!  This book can be used with or without the cd.  The goal of the book is to have students practicing identifying letter names and sounds.  

Happy Letter Learning!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Our Mission is Posted!

Mr. Pruitt delivered our poster of our class mission!

Our First Celebration

We had our first school-wide celebration last Friday.  We have a celebration once a month and parents are welcome to attend.  You will be notified ahead of time if your child will be receiving an individual award or recognition.

At Friday's celebration, we learned the procedures for celebrations including saying the pledge.  All the principal leadership counsel members for each classroom were announced.  Each class also said their class mission.  We are proud to have Lilly representing us!

We wrapped up our celebration with dancing to our school song.  On the way back to our classroom, everyone said they had a great time!  We love the wildcat pride and positivity that spreads from our students!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Highlights from Week 3

We've been having so much fun.  This week was full of explorations, letters, numbers, and making proactive choices about our learning.  Here are some of the highlights from the week!

In math, we've been working hard on counting and number sense.  Students have been ordering numbers, subatizing dots and five frames, and comparing numbers.  We also used math games on the iPads for the first time!

Letterland is a blast and we really enjoy phonics with Ms. Anderson and Ms. Burton.  We sing, we sort words by their beginning sounds, and Letterland even came to life with Clever Cat and Golden Girl making an appearance.  I wonder who will pop up next week!

We recognized Constitution Day on Friday by learning about what our US Constitution is and why it is so important.  We then created our own class constitution and took turns signing it.

We hope everyone has had a fun and relaxing weekend.  See you on Monday!